a truck?

Have you ever bought a purse from a mobile truck? Well apparently that's a thing! Ronda Mylan - owner of Accessory Insanity - told us how she did it:
"I just happened to turn on the TV one morning to Good Morning America and they were doing an interview of a local girl with a fashion truck. And I thought, “Hey, great idea. I should do that.” Soon after, I started searching for a suitable vehicle. They are not easy to find. I searched for delivery vans, motor homes and transport buses. That took about a year of on and off searching until I finally found the right one. I bought it in April of 2015. Then I had to commence the arduous task of renovating it to suit my needs. And for the finishing touch, I went with vinyl lettering for the exterior. It seemed less expensive and time consuming than a full paint job or wrap. It was finally ready to hit the road last September and it's been quite an adventure ever since! Everyone that see it, loves it."
WordPlay Designs was happy to help her out with the signage for her truck! She applied all the vinyl herself and did a great job! thanks for sharing the photos Ronda!
Ronda has been running an online store for her accessories since 2010: Check her out!