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Jodi Brock #JB156
of Okotoks, AB 306-209-8185
Twila Collyer #TC155
of Millarville, AB 403-660-6349
Tracey Hallett #TH153
of Lloydminster, AB 639-840-1449
Heather Harrison #HH06
Fort Saskatchewan, AB 587-990-9790
Michelle Van Petten #MV146
of Camrose, AB 780-678-6758
Sharon Piecharka #SP125
of Spruce Grove, AB 780-846-2158
Dana Shepherd #DS120
of Botha, AB 403-741-9218
Leeanne Tucker #LT119
of Sherwood Pk, AB 780-720-6594
Amanda Tornberg #AT117
of Calgary, AB 403-835-2960
Amy Bernier #AB19
Edmonton, AB 780-457-1659
Braidy Borris #BB100
of Westlock, AB 780-307-1015
Lisa Branch #LB12
Millarville, AB 403-931-0481
Tara Casey #TC88
of Okotoks, AB 403-710-7472
Kelly Dauncey #KD99
of High River, AB 403-804-8239
Stephanie Delorme #SD76
Cold Lake, AB 780-639-0254
Kim Ducherer #KD20
New Sarepta, AB 780-499-8809
Shawna Duncan #SS64
Blackfalds, AB 403-505-0305
Jacquie Kraneveldt #JK25
Okotoks, AB 403-982-5872
Amber Lakevold #AL98
Red Deer, AB 403-309-0973
Renda Zadunayski #RZ92
of Vimy, AB 780-348-5922
BetteAnn Martin #BA21
Okotoks, AB 403-477-3433
Ashley Cull #AC11
Fort McMurray, AB 780-750-2554
Amanda Lacey #AL79
Okotoks, AB 403-819-4008
Melissa Heath #MM122
of Williston, ND
ALBERTA continued...
Jenn Charlebois #JC154
Beaumont, AB 780-710-9014
Christine Toews #CT144
Hinton, AB 780-817-1064
Stacey Coughlan #SC116
of Wetaskiwin, AB 780-362-2409
Jackie Lochhead #JL129
of Sherwood Park, AB
Sharleen Guillemette #SG128
of Bawlf, AB 780-373-2459
Rebecca King #RK127
of Kitscoty, AB 780-846-2035
Ivana Kresanek #IV123
Spruce Grove, AB 780-960-9793
Amber MacMillan #AM30
Edmonton, AB 780-686-8830
Carla Newsham #CN85
Didsbury, AB 403-335-0057
Carlie Nicole #CN71
Blackie, AB 403-830-0087
Tracy Olsen #TO59
Westlock, AB 780-349-9027
Joanne Owen #JO14
Edmonton, AB 780-421-7318
Rhonda Parsons #RP108
of Fort Kent, AB 780-545-5800
Lana Poulsen #LP96
of Brant, AB 403-835-6940
Debbie Prediger #DP32
Cadogan, AB 780-753-6337
Taryn Ferguson #TR42
Okotoks, AB 403-333-3492
Shauna Shank #SS72
DeWinton, AB 403-995-2949
Sherri Schmidt #SS56
Edmonton, AB 780-438-2787
Karen Wolbeck #KW69
Heisler, AB 780-889-3910
Tammy McGonigle #TM10
of High River, AB 403-933-5933
Daina Matthews #DM67
Okotoks, AB 403-982-1382
Chantelle Storey #CS43
Okotoks, AB 403-995-5530
Christine Wedrick #CW87
of Botha, AB 403-742-6898
Cheryl Drake #CD141
Vernon Bridge, PEI 902-651-2904
Rebecca Sherpherd-Budden #RB57
Whitbourne, NL 709-764-3365
Karrie Gallant (Plank) #KP36
of Salisbury, NB
Michella Braun #MB149
of Fort St. John, BC 250-262-2700
Michelle Milligan #MM132
of Parksville, BC 250-951-1240
Jenay Andersen #JA130
of Meadow Lake, SK 306-236-9240
Crystal Hermary #CH115
of Kamsack, SK 306-590-7045
Kristin Dyke #KD113
Bredenbury, SK 306-641-694
Lynne Farthing #LF111
Leask, SK 306-747-7838
Dea Orendi #DO103
Hudson Bay, SK 306-865-2540
Lisa Buffin #LB82
Meadow Lake, SK 306-236-3706
Jana Ross #JR55
of Meadow Lake, SK 306-240-0500
Carrie Gaffray #CG143
of Pine Falls, MB 204-345-3311
Lucy Racco #LR151
of Brampton, ON 416-606-7315
Margaret Charewicz #MC150
of Oshawa, ON 905-259-2863
Janet Astley #JA148
of Cambridge, ON 519-658-2184
Ashley Jiggens #AJ145
of Fort Erie, ON 905-341-5604
Sandra Watkins #SW142
of Dunnville, ON 289-209-7110
Samantha Ferguson #SF140
Cambridge, ON 519-841-2626
Melissa Clyde #MC139
of Yarker, ON 613-561-2295
Christine Wheeler #CW137
of Verona, ON 613-374-5786
Sharon Mailey #SM138
of Godfrey, ON 343-363-1054
Robin Shire #RS136
of Prescott, ON 613-925-2071
Suzanne DeVries #SD135
of Ennotville, ON 519-239-5397
Kimberly Vangeel #KV134
of Beamsville, ON 289-696-5820
Jennifer Morris #JM133
of Newmarket, ON 647-294-9181
Paula Tucker #PT124
of Cambridge, ON 519-740-8601
Tina McNulty #TM121
of Cambridge, ON 519-622-7116
Joanna Jewell #JJ118
of Thunder Bay, ON 807-768-7627
Marlene Luscombe #ML112
of Janetville, ON 905-410-1114
Melanie Ayerst #MA105
Aylmer, ON 519-200-6185
Ginette Lefler #GL91
Omemee, ON 705-799-5204
Kiirsti Stilla #KR84
Thunder Bay, ON 807-628-4848
Sherry Recker #SR104
Tillsonburg, ON 519-842-8923